Schlumberger AquaChem 11


Schlumberger AquaChem 11

What’s New in AquaChem 11.0

Plot Collections:

  • Multi-parameter plots: Box and Whisker, Scatter, and Time Series plots support adding multiple parameters
  • Secondary y-axes: Scatter and Time Series Plots support adding a secondary axis
  • Piper Diagram: Piper Diagram includes an additional setting to make symbols in the diamond portion of the plot proportional to a selected parameter such as TDS or conductance
  • Non-Detect Symbols: The symbols for data points on plots with non-detect QA flags can be automatically overridden to indicate the non-detect status
  • Symbol Editor: create ramped symbols based on numeric fields using unique values or categorized intervals based on a specified number of linear, log, or quantile breaks.: create ramped symbols based on numeric fields using unique values or categorized intervals based on a specified number of linear, log, or quantile breaks.
  • Interactive Multi-Select: You can select multiple data points on plots and they will be selected in the Sample List and active Maps
  • Settings: axis settings for plots have been reorganized into logical and collapsible groups

Data Management:

  • Custom Calculated fields and parameters: designate a sample field or a parameter as a calculation-enabled in the Template Manager and insert values for selected samples based on a mathematical expression that can include parameters (with unit conversion) and common functions.
  • Parameter Handling: automatically add a list of parameters based on its name or CAS number (before or during import) from the Chemical List and automatically delete parameters with no measurements in your project – this greatly improves automating parameter management.
  • Sample Set Creation: Add a sample set condition based on the exceedance of any parameter in a specified parameter group

Other Enhancements:

  • Import: Improved performance when importing larger AquaChem 2014 projects
  • String Data Type: string data fields can now be specified with any length
  • International date handling: Import Data supports international date formats

